Radio Communities: The Other Side of The Electronic Divide

Radio Communities: The Other Side of The Electronic Divide

Photo: Pete Tridish, Prometheus Radio Project Using radio to create community, creating community radio. Why expect radio to do this? It’s malleable, anonymous, inexpensive to build, easy to transmit and receive, relatively speaking, even when the simple act of owning...
Cambodia: Another kind of war

Cambodia: Another kind of war

POST AND PHOTO BY KAROLINE KEMP Editor’s note: In September of 2005, Karoline Kemp travelled to Cambodia with Outer Voices, a California-based independent media group, to make a radio documentary program about sex trafficking in Cambodia. The story she told on her...
Choosing Uncertainty

Choosing Uncertainty

BY CATHERINE BARAONG / THAILAND PHOTOGRAPHED BY KRISTOFER DAN-BERGMAN Young Karen women head back to their homes in the camps.The sun shines down fiercely in Tak province. I’m on a rented bicycle peddling hard and trying to keep from going blind from the afternoon...


Along the Thai-Burma border, we meet the women peace activists working in the midst of the world’s longest running civil war. In the Karen language, Kawthoolei is the name of a mythical homeland in eastern Burma (Myanmar). The Karen people have been struggling for control of this land for nearly 60 years. This conflict between the Burmese military regime and the Karen National Union is now considered the world’s longest running civil war. There are numerous reports of ethnic cleansing, and hundreds of thousands of Burmese and ethnic refugees have flooded western Thailand, yet this conflict is often overlooked by the western media.

Girls from Cambodia

Girls from Cambodia

In January of 2005 our team travelled to Cambodia to meet Chanthol Oung, the head of the Cambodian Women’s Crisis Center, a grassroots organization dedicated to preventing violence against women, and working to stop the illegal sale of young women into the sex industry. We talked to a number of young women who told us their stories of having been sold into brothels, and who had managed to escape. They also told us about what they are doing with their lives now.

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