The Hula Lesson
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In “The Hula Lesson” we join Hawaiian Hula teacher Roselle Bailey and her multicultural halau to find out what hula is, what it means to Hawaii, and why so many non-Hawaiians love it. Hula is more than girls dancing with coconut bras and grass skirts, with strains of Don Ho in the background. In fact, hula is a complete expression of a traditional culture, which uses dancing and singing for teaching social lessons, and for recounting history. When we know our own social and cultural identity, then we can understand who we are in relation to others. Roselle feels this is the necessary first step for creating a peaceful world.“The Hula Lesson” is our foundation piece.
The role of “The Hula Lesson” in the Outer Voices series is to provide an opportunity to examine what is perhaps the core issue of effective peacemaking. The foundation for peace, as we learn in “The Hula Lesson”, lies in understanding who we are in relationship to other people.
To learn more about Roselle Bailey and the halau, Ka’Imi Na ‘auao O Hawai’i Nei, visit their website:
“We ran this special a few years ago – it’s great – I think we’ll run it again. Outer Voices has an established record of producing high-quality, engaging and sound rich documentaries. This one is no different. This special provides excellent public service and rich production values. The great thing is it gives listeners to really learn about the Hula – far more than you would ever learn attending one. Even when you visit Hawaii, you have to really make an effort to lean about the culture and history. Also, it’s great to learn about the Hula. It’s easy for us to confuse that at a Luau, dances from around Polynesia are all performed. As with the other great docs from Stephanie and her team, this special is sound rich and lets the tape tell the story, with minimum narration. I encourage you to schedule this for your showcase slot or for a holiday special.”
Arvid Hokanson, KUOW
Also Featured On
- The Hula Lesson (Studio 360)
TOPICS: Conflict Resolution, Cultural Preservation.