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TOPICS: Cultural Preservation, Environmental Sustainability.
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TOPICS: Cultural Preservation, Environmental Sustainability.
Steve Kornberg talks about his experiences sailing. Interview done on board the Gershon 2 in 2005, in the Solomon Islands.
"I knew this guy when I was younger, Irv Rosenthal. He was a writer and her headed this commune in San Francisco. We talked about life a lot and he said, you know, the most difficult media to be an artist in is to make life your art. Make life your art. And I – that’s kind of been my rubric, just that one simple sentence he said that one time; make your life your art. That’s the most difficult thing you can do.
Aren’t you shirking responsibility when you lead a boring life that isn’t rewarding to you personally, and you work at a job that you don’t really like, or you’re in relationships that are mediocre? Aren’t you shirking your responsibility to live, just to live, when you you live that kind of life?”
Steve, Cheryl and Terry on board Gershon ll at Taumako Island, Solomon Islands 2006
(Newport CA, 2015)
“Sailing can be romantic, sailing can be challenging, sailing can be dangerous, sailing can be peaceful. Sailing can be everything. And, so you have the opportunity to have this moment of ecstasy in which it’s just absolutely charming and you’re speechless at how beautiful the situation is, and how beautiful the sky and the seas seem. Other times you’re on your knees praying that you were somewhere else. And so it goes. It’s like the agony and the ecstasy. But it challenges you, and you realize that you have strengths to cope with all these things, and that it’s well worth it to get out there to just to get these incredibly uplifting and inspiring moments.”
Terry Causey, Gershon II, Solomon Islands